Page • On October 18, 2022 PACT held its first workshop in Albuquerque, New Mexico at CFV Labs. The event included four sessions of presentations on a variety of topics and a tour and demonstrations of PACT and other relevant testing platforms. 2022 PACT Workshop at CFV Labs in Albuquerque, New Mexico,...
About PACT
Page • The PACT center was established in 2021 with funding from the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office. Led by Sandia National Laboratories, the PACT center team included the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Black and Veatch, CFV Labs, and EPRI until September 2024. Starting in...
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DOE Releases Perovskite Performance Targets
Post, April 4, 2022 • February 2022: The U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) has issued a summary of responses to a request for information (RFI) to gather input on efficiency, stability and replicability performance targets for perovskite photovoltaic (PV) devices that could be utilized to demonstrate technical and commercial readiness for future...
Page • The PACT center will hold annual webinars and in person workshops to provide updates on the center’s activities and results. Check back here to learn about these outreach events. 2024 EU PVSEC, Vienna, Austria Managing Potential Environmental and Human Health Risks of Lead Halide Perovskite Photovoltaic Modules (2563 downloads) Poster...
Page • Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525.
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PACT Bankability Webinar April 6, 2022 10-11 AM MT
Post, March 28, 2022 • In this webinar, our team will be presenting on the PACT bankability process. Attendees can expect to learn what is bankability, how we assess technology risk, and the PACT-specific goals relating to bankability. Attendees will walk away from this webinar knowing how they can participate in PACT bankability opportunities. Register...
PACT Center Opens!
Post, August 6, 2021 • On July 8, 2021 Sandia National Laboratories issued a news release announcing the opening of the PACT center. “Sandia-led center to advance understanding of new solar panel technology” The following news outlets have picked up the story. PV (and another article referencing the first)ScienmagR&D WorldTech Investor NewsBioengineer.orgAzo OpticsPerovskite InfoFinanz NachrichtenKKOBPower Systems...
Publications and Protocols
Page • PACT is working on the first versions of performance and reliability test protocols for perovskite PV technologies. Once they are complete they will be available on this page. Protocols PACT Perovskite PV Module Outdoor Test Protocol V.0.1 (3861 downloads) (5/5/2023) PACT Module Preconditioning Protocol Version 0.1 (4307 downloads) (3/30/2022) PACT...
PV PACT Center
Page • The PACT center focuses on developing a fair and level playing field for emerging PV industry by: Developing, testing and validating characterization protocols that can quantify module performance and accurately measure power loss and degradation.Developing accelerated testing protocols that can predict and identify early failures (5-10 years) and degradation rates.Monitoring...
Page • Links NREL Perovskites PV Data Hub - This site is a data nexus to support two consortiums focused on advancing research, development, and testing of Perovskite solar cells and modules: PACT and US-MAPPerformance Targets for Perovskite Photovoltaic Research, Development, and Demonstration Programs - DOE Request for Information Summary and Updated...
Results and Data
Page • PACT field performance plot - Single Junction Modules The field performance plot below shows a ring for each single-junction perovskite module PACT has field tested at its NREL site in Golden, Colorado and Sandia (SNL) site in Albuquerque, NM. The horizontal position of the ring shows the module's initial daily...
Page • Available Services The PACT center provides a number of different services to industry partners. In order to qualify for these services companies will need to complete the Application for PACT Testing Services (5271 downloads) . Companies should also review the PACT Module Design Acceptance Criteria V 3.0 (9916 downloads) ....
Page • The PACT team has a diverse set of expertise and experience. Joshua S. Stein Joshua S. Stein is the director of the PACT center and a Senior Scientist at Sandia National Laboratories where he leads R&D projects in the areas of photovoltaic module and system performance and reliability, specializing in...
Version 1.0 of PACT Data Management Plan released
Post, October 22, 2021 • October 20, 2021: The PACT center released version 1.0 of the center's Data Management Plan. Please visit Publications and Protocols to download the report. Executive Summary In order to meet the guidelines, set forth in the US Government Open Data Initiative and data management requirements set forth by DOE, we...